Are you planning on taking the Google AdWords Exam soon?
Here are some tips & sample questions for all the various exams:
- Adword Learning Center: The best way to prepare for the exams is by reading all the material available in the Adword Learning Center. Here you'll find comprehensive training lessons, which cover everything about the AdWords program.
- AdWords Video: Watch all the Google AdWords videos available online. There are a few topics which are not covered in the readings but are covered in the videos. You might miss a few important things if you skip the videos.
- AdWords Interface: Familiarize yourself with the interface as much as possible; the best way to learn about an online product is by using it.
- Important Topics: There were some really tough questions related to Billing, Best practices for Ad, Payment, Account access level MCC, MCC account hierarchy & AdWords API in the last few examsso read this topic carefully.
- Time Management: There are about 100+ questions which are to be solved in 120 minutes. You will nearly run out of time. So, if you don't know the answer to a question right away, you can mark it and review all the marked questions anytime later.
- Never leave a question blank: There is no negative marking & it is better to guess than to leave an answer blank. You have the "Mark Question [M]" option in the testing center browser. This lets you choose an answer that you think may be correct, and then move on. When you have answered all the questions, you are given an option to review your marked questions.
- Online support: You can visit websites like iPassexam and ucertify to take a free mock test or you can subscribe for the sample questions.
Following are few useful link to study for Adwords Certification Exam. All the best!
- http://support.google.com/adwords/certification/bin/static.py?hl=en-GB&page=examstudy.cs&rd=1
- http://www.ipassexam.com/
- http://googleadwordsmockexam.com/category/sample-questions/
- http://googlecertifications.com/?p=1